Most salespeople will admit they don’t like hearing a “No” from prospects during the sales process. There is a small sting of rejection that is hard to accept with a lingering sense of discouragement. This is not uncommon and if you feel this way, you are not alone. [Read more…]
Get Outside your Comfort Zone
In negotiation, the more information you have, the better position you’re in. The greater leverage. Same thing when it comes to sales. Prospects know this so they withhold information, don’t share it with the salesperson, and then they’re in control. The prospects are in control and the salesperson is scrambling. Because the first time they had a conversation with them, there wasn’t enough engagement.
You Can’t Do That! – Watch me. That’s what a prospect is saying when a salesperson says you can’t do that. Or we share our product or service will ‘allow them to’…really, the prospect is saying. You are going to give me permission to do something I want. I need your approval to proceed. [Read more…]
Define: Value!
Value in one of three parts to this equation; Cost minus price equals value. Too often salespeople talk about price, without understanding the cost and consequences of inaction. What’s worst is prospects don’t know them either. Then salespeople talk about solutions. “We have the greatest products on earth,” when the need has not been defined, and the impact of inaction, has not yet been discovered. [Read more…]
Stop Helping People!
But that’s how I describe what I do! I help people. Stop it!
When you help people. It’s like you’re up here and their down there. “Here, let me save you, you need to be rescued.” As if to say, “hey moron, you’re doing it wrong.” Ever help someone that is not as committed in solving a problem as you are? That only leads to frustration for us, right? [Read more…]
I Can Save You Money!
Ever have that salesperson call on you. How do they know! They don’t know anything about me. How much I’m spending, why I’m spending it there, what else I’m buying, etc.
It’s insulting to tell someone you can save them money, without knowing any information.
What turns people off the most is assumptive salespeople. These are the salespeople that assume everyone wants their product; and everyone has a problem, and everyone wants to change. It simply is not true. Don’t assume. Ask. [Read more…]
Prospects Define Value by Your Commitment and Persistence
Lately I’m hearing a lot of salespeople say they call prospects, leave messages and they never call them back. Most times the prospect doesn’t answer the phone. In an age where every phone has Caller ID it is a split second decision to quickly ignore the interruption. When this is true most of the time, we want to ask ourselves, “Why?”
The strongest influence in personal behavior is weighing the consequences of any action. What are the consequences of answering the phone or returning a voice mail message of any unknown person? Another factor in determining what we do and don’t is fear. Combine those two and here is what the prospect is thinking; “I don’t know this person; I don’t know why they are calling; I’m busy; I’m afraid if I answer, I’ll never get that time back; and if I avoid it, it will go away.” And guess what, you do. You stop calling. The prospect was right! [Read more…]
Not Everybody is at the Cabin
How many people go to the cabin every week during the summer? I don’t know the answer and I’m guessing it would be hard to know for sure, but I’m positive not everyone does. Businesses are still open, people are still working, budgets are being determined and spent, challenges continue to exist and problems need to be solved. [Read more…]
I’m a First Responder to a No Soliciting sign
Last week I made a visit to my neighborhood mobile phone carrier’s retail store and noticed a ‘No Solicitors’ sign in the window. This gave me pause before entering. I thought – “I’m a Solicitor, what’s wrong with me. Why don’t they want me to come in?”
I peered through the glass like a school boy at a peep show, wondering what is going on inside that I was forbidden to see. Others inside the store began to look at me and I finally mustered up the guts to pull the door open and walk in.
I stopped as everyone looked at me and said, “I saw the No Solicitors sign. I’m a salesman. I sell for a living. What do you folks do behind the counter? Are you salespeople? Can I come in?” [Read more…]
Why Won’t They Return My Call?
Probably the most asked question when discussing frustrating situations for salespeople. My response is; “Why? Why should they return your call? What’s in it for them?”
You had a conversation with them. They asked you some questions. You asked them some questions. But did you work with them to uncover and discover their reasons to take another step in the sales process towards their desired outcome? Let me stress – their reasons – to continue – not yours.
Prospects are motivated to act based on their reasons, not yours. They are selfish that way. And they should be. They are guarded, cautious, protective, defensive, offensive and skeptical. More importantly, they are cheap, frugal, tight, and prudent. All of which can work towards your advantage, if you position yourself correctly. Let me explain, but first, ask you a question. [Read more…]