7 Assumptions and Which Ones to Avoid

Our perception of a situation is shaped by past experiences, judgments, beliefs, and biases. These elements mix together, each weighted differently, to form our unique perspective. No two people see reality the same way.  But is our perception of reality true? It’s real—yes. No one can take away your reality. However, what’s real may not always be true. This is a critical question to consider as we encounter new situations.

1) “Prospects will only buy from me if I have the lowest price.”

If a prospect is solely focused on price and not purchasing a commodity, they’re likely not engaging with a salesperson—they’re buying online. Salespeople add value to the purchasing process, yet this is often forgotten when negotiating price.

Prospects may claim to be price-driven, but this is often a defense mechanism. Their skepticism and misconceptions prevent them from seeing the real differentiators that could benefit them.


  • “Besides price, what other factors are important in your decision-making process?”
  • “What would happen if you chose the lowest-priced option and it didn’t deliver the expected results?”
    Your role is to help them define value—their value, not yours.

2) “I must be ‘liked’ by my prospect before they buy from me.”

Prospects like many salespeople. And they often take free advice from them without making a purchase (showrooming). But when it comes to making a change and taking a risk, they choose the salesperson they respect the most.

Respect is earned by keeping the focus on them—asking insightful questions, practicing active listening, and guiding the conversation.


  • “What qualities do you look for in a business partner when making an important decision?”
  • “Beyond liking someone, what makes you feel confident in choosing them to help with your needs?”

Move past being liked. Strive to earn their respect.

3) “They know what they want.”

Often, the problem a prospect presents is not the real problem. When they search for a solution on their own, they arrive at a perceived solution to a perceived problem. If you simply build on that misdiagnosis, you’re committing sales malpractice.

Your job is to align the right solution with the real problem and their goals. Mismatched solutions lead to dissatisfaction, profit loss, and damage to your reputation.

Prospects love to share stories—bad ones more than good ones.


  • “How did you determine that this is the best solution for your needs?”
  • “What challenges do you anticipate even if you move forward with this solution?”

4) “I know what they want.”

If you approach a prospect with a predetermined solution, regardless of fit, you’ll face resistance. And if the sale does close, you may hear: “Why doesn’t it do that?”

People buy for their reasons, not yours. Your role is to uncover those reasons and match the right solution to the right problem.


  • “What’s most important to you in a solution—performance, ease of use, long-term cost savings, or something else?”
  • “What concerns do you have that haven’t been addressed yet?”

5) “I can help them.”

Taking this stance places more commitment on you than on the buyer. But in order for them to buy, they must first accept that they need to change.

Change is difficult. It’s driven by emotion—desire or frustration—and later justified intellectually. You may see the solution, but if they don’t see the problem, they won’t buy.


  • “What’s preventing you from making a change right now?”
  • “If nothing changes, how will that impact you or your business in the next 6-12 months?”

6) “They want my help.”

Even if you prove the prospect has a problem and get them to admit it, that doesn’t mean they want your help. They may have someone else in mind due to loyalty, or they may feel vulnerable and uncomfortable working with you.

There are two commitments in the buying decision:

  1. Do I want to fix this?
  2. Do I want you to fix it for me?

You need both to close the sale.


  • “If you were to move forward with someone, what qualities would they need to have?”
  • “What’s the biggest factor in deciding who you’ll work with to solve this issue?”

7) “They don’t have the money.”

Money is tied to price. Cost, however, is tied to consequences and risk. If the cost of doing nothing is greater than the price of change, they will find the money.

Cost – Price = Value

If they say they don’t have the money, it means you haven’t demonstrated enough value. People buy when they see enough value—help them recognize the cost of not making a change.


  • “What would happen if you delayed this decision for another six months?”
  • “Have you considered the long-term costs of maintaining the status quo versus making a change?”

Shift Your Approach

Want to feel more confident in appointments, cold calls, or networking events? Adopt this mindset:

“I don’t want to assume you have a problem or that you need my help.”

This removes pressure from both you and the prospect, allowing for an open conversation. When approached this way, the real buying motives—defined by the prospect, not assumptions—will emerge.

Please subscribe and share the podcast with your colleagues and on your social media.

Go out and get better, 1 skill at a time.  Joyful Selling!

Bill Hellkamp, Co-Host
[email protected]
Scott Plum, Co-Host
[email protected]


For a printable download – CLICK HERE: 7 Assumptions and Which Ones to Avoid

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Winning at Selling Podcast : Episode #655


Thank you for listening to the episode. Your commitment to developing your selling skills, mindset and techniques is our motivation.

This podcast is dedicated to the overall success in the sales channel.  From the CEO to the front line salespeople, every role must be aligned, trained and committed, every day to achieve the desired outcome.  This is not done without a commitment to ongoing career development in learning market-relevant techniques, overcoming conceptual barriers, applying proactive and productive behaviors and projecting a positive attitude.

A customer calls and asks you to send them a quote. Do you do it or do you ask for an appointment to find out more about their needs? If I just send over a quote, how can I be sure that it will really address their issues? But is a full blown proposal really necessary and will it help or hurt my chances to make the sale? What’s a salesperson to do!

Get ready to defend your preference, as Scott and I discuss Quote Versus Proposal and other creative concepts on Episode 655 of the Winning at Selling podcast.

Golden Nuggets:
“Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.”
-Oscar Wilde

Your Hosts:
Bill Hellkamp See my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: http://www.reachdev.com/

Scott “Professor Plum” PlumSee my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: https://www.mnsales.com

– Current BOOK – The ONE Thing – Gary Keller
– Attend a Professional Sales Association (PSA) meeting.  Go to www.psamn.org 
– Bill – Jumpstart Sales Coaching – Introductory Program – (1) 60 min. initial and (5) 30 min ongoing sessions – $495. – Contact me here.
– Bill – Seven Deadly Sins of Selling presentation for the next 2 companies to contact me. 45 min. Live in Minneapolis area – Webcast further away.
– Scott offer’s the DiSC Sales Assessments for $139.00 per person.  See a Sample.

Whether you are defending first place in the market or dedicated to fighting for first place, each episode will deliver proven advice you can apply that day to improve your sales results.

Join us every week.  Email us your comments, feedback, real-life challenges in the marketplace and desired topics for us to cover and we will deliver sound advice you can use. ALL comments are welcome.

Feel free to reach out to us via the form below. You can reach either of us by calling 612-789-5700.

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Winning at Selling Podcast : Episode #654


Thank you for listening to the episode. Your commitment to developing your selling skills, mindset and techniques is our motivation.

This podcast is dedicated to the overall success in the sales channel.  From the CEO to the front line salespeople, every role must be aligned, trained and committed, every day to achieve the desired outcome.  This is not done without a commitment to ongoing career development in learning market-relevant techniques, overcoming conceptual barriers, applying proactive and productive behaviors and projecting a positive attitude.

Peak performance isn’t luck—it’s a choice. Top sales professionals don’t just work harder; they work smarter, optimizing their mindset, habits, and energy to consistently win.  Today we will discuss science-backed strategies to stay motivated, handle rejection, and operate at your highest level. You will also discover how to manage your energy, build resilience, and implement habits that drive sales success.

Don’t leave your performance to chance—level up and unlock your full potential as Bill and I interview performance expert, Scott Welle about Peak Performance for Sales Professionals on Episode 654 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.

Golden Nuggets:
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
― Winston S. Churchill

Your Hosts:
Bill Hellkamp See my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: http://www.reachdev.com/

Scott “Professor Plum” PlumSee my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: https://www.mnsales.com

Scott Welle – www.scottwelle.com
– Current BOOK – The ONE Thing – Gary Keller
– Attend a Professional Sales Association (PSA) meeting.  Go to www.psamn.org 
– Bill – Jumpstart Sales Coaching – Introductory Program – (1) 60 min. initial and (5) 30 min ongoing sessions – $495. – Contact me here.
– Bill – Seven Deadly Sins of Selling presentation for the next 2 companies to contact me. 45 min. Live in Minneapolis area – Webcast further away.
– Scott offer’s the DiSC Sales Assessments for $139.00 per person.  See a Sample.

Whether you are defending first place in the market or dedicated to fighting for first place, each episode will deliver proven advice you can apply that day to improve your sales results.

Join us every week.  Email us your comments, feedback, real-life challenges in the marketplace and desired topics for us to cover and we will deliver sound advice you can use. ALL comments are welcome.

Feel free to reach out to us via the form below. You can reach either of us by calling 612-789-5700.

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Winning at Selling Podcast : Episode #653


Thank you for listening to the episode. Your commitment to developing your selling skills, mindset and techniques is our motivation.

This podcast is dedicated to the overall success in the sales channel.  From the CEO to the front line salespeople, every role must be aligned, trained and committed, every day to achieve the desired outcome.  This is not done without a commitment to ongoing career development in learning market-relevant techniques, overcoming conceptual barriers, applying proactive and productive behaviors and projecting a positive attitude.

The weekly sales meeting can be an effective tool for your team or a boring waste of time. As a leader, you choose how the meeting will go and if it will have the effect you desire. But if you leave it to chance, chances are it will suck!

Grab your agendas, as Scott and I discuss The Weekly Sales Meeting and other magnificent metrics on Episode 653 of the Winning at Selling podcast.

Golden Nuggets:

“The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.”
Ken Blanchard

Your Hosts:

Bill Hellkamp See my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: http://www.reachdev.com/

Scott “Professor Plum” PlumSee my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: https://www.mnsales.com


– To download the questions to Uncover Your Prospects Expectations – CLICK HERE
– Current BOOK – The ONE Thing – Gary Keller
– 10 Questions – https://mnsales.com/podcast-616/
– Anthony Iannarino – The Sales Blog – www.thesalesblog.com
– Attend a Professional Sales Association (PSA) meeting.  Go to www.psamn.org 
– Bill – Jumpstart Sales Coaching – Introductory Program – (1) 60 min. initial and (5) 30 min ongoing sessions – $495. – Contact me here.
– Bill – Seven Deadly Sins of Selling presentation for the next 2 companies to contact me. 45 min. Live in Minneapolis area – Webcast further away.
– Scott offer’s the DiSC Sales Assessments for $139.00 per person.  See a Sample.

Whether you are defending first place in the market or dedicated to fighting for first place, each episode will deliver proven advice you can apply that day to improve your sales results.

Join us every week.  Email us your comments, feedback, real-life challenges in the marketplace and desired topics for us to cover and we will deliver sound advice you can use. ALL comments are welcome.

Feel free to reach out to us via the form below. You can reach either of us by calling 612-789-5700.

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Winning at Selling Podcast : Episode #652


Thank you for listening to the episode. Your commitment to developing your selling skills, mindset and techniques is our motivation.

This podcast is dedicated to the overall success in the sales channel.  From the CEO to the front line salespeople, every role must be aligned, trained and committed, every day to achieve the desired outcome.  This is not done without a commitment to ongoing career development in learning market-relevant techniques, overcoming conceptual barriers, applying proactive and productive behaviors and projecting a positive attitude.


Have you ever had a misunderstanding with a prospect? They committed, signed the agreement, and you started working together—only to discover they had completely different expectations about what you’d be doing. These misunderstandings often stem from unclear conversations and clever agreements. When expectations and obligations aren’t explicitly defined, it’s easy to disappoint and fall short of delivering the desired outcome for both parties.

What are your expectations for this episode? Let’s dive into meeting them as Bill and I explore Uncovering Prospect Expectations and other critical topics on Episode 652 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.

Golden Nuggets:

“The things that are most important don’t always scream the loudest.” –Bob Hawke

Your Hosts:

Bill Hellkamp See my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: http://www.reachdev.com/

Scott “Professor Plum” PlumSee my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: https://www.mnsales.com


– To download the questions to Uncover Your Prospects Expectations – CLICK HERE
– NEXT BOOK – The ONE Thing – Gary Keller
– 10 Questions – https://mnsales.com/podcast-616/
– Anthony Iannarino – The Sales Blog – www.thesalesblog.com
– Attend a Professional Sales Association (PSA) meeting.  Go to www.psamn.org 
– Bill – Jumpstart Sales Coaching – Introductory Program – (1) 60 min. initial and (5) 30 min ongoing sessions – $495. – Contact me here.
– Bill – Seven Deadly Sins of Selling presentation for the next 2 companies to contact me. 45 min. Live in Minneapolis area – Webcast further away.
– Scott offer’s the DiSC Sales Assessments for $139.00 per person.  See a Sample.

Whether you are defending first place in the market or dedicated to fighting for first place, each episode will deliver proven advice you can apply that day to improve your sales results.

Join us every week.  Email us your comments, feedback, real-life challenges in the marketplace and desired topics for us to cover and we will deliver sound advice you can use. ALL comments are welcome.

Feel free to reach out to us via the form below. You can reach either of us by calling 612-789-5700.

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Winning at Selling Podcast : Episode #651


Thank you for listening to the episode. Your commitment to developing your selling skills, mindset and techniques is our motivation.

This podcast is dedicated to the overall success in the sales channel.  From the CEO to the front line salespeople, every role must be aligned, trained and committed, every day to achieve the desired outcome.  This is not done without a commitment to ongoing career development in learning market-relevant techniques, overcoming conceptual barriers, applying proactive and productive behaviors and projecting a positive attitude.

Hollywood has made clear their opinion of sales professionals. From the hard driver on Glengarry Glen Ross to the dishonest philanderers of Tin Men to the spastic incompetence of Tommy Boy. People can’t help but be influenced by these depictions. But we must also recognize the part actual salespeople play in swaying opinion. Each time a salesperson acts dishonestly, he or she contributes to the negative persona of our profession.

Here’s a chance to check your integrity as Scott and I welcome sales and leadership expert, Steve Keating to discuss Ethics in Selling on Episode 651 of the Winning at Selling podcast.

Golden Nuggets:

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”
– C.S. Lewis

Your Hosts:

Bill Hellkamp See my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: http://www.reachdev.com/

Scott “Professor Plum” PlumSee my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: https://www.mnsales.com


– Steve Keating – www.stevekeating.me
– NEXT BOOK – The ONE Thing – Gary Keller
– 10 Questions – https://mnsales.com/podcast-616/
– Anthony Iannarino – The Sales Blog – www.thesalesblog.com
– Attend a Professional Sales Association (PSA) meeting.  Go to www.psamn.org 
– Bill – Jumpstart Sales Coaching – Introductory Program – (1) 60 min. initial and (5) 30 min ongoing sessions – $495. – Contact me here.
– Bill – Seven Deadly Sins of Selling presentation for the next 2 companies to contact me. 45 min. Live in Minneapolis area – Webcast further away.
– Scott offer’s the DiSC Sales Assessments for $139.00 per person.  See a Sample.

Whether you are defending first place in the market or dedicated to fighting for first place, each episode will deliver proven advice you can apply that day to improve your sales results.

Join us every week.  Email us your comments, feedback, real-life challenges in the marketplace and desired topics for us to cover and we will deliver sound advice you can use. ALL comments are welcome.

Feel free to reach out to us via the form below. You can reach either of us by calling 612-789-5700.

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Winning at Selling Podcast : Episode #650


Thank you for listening to the episode. Your commitment to developing your selling skills, mindset and techniques is our motivation.

This podcast is dedicated to the overall success in the sales channel.  From the CEO to the front line salespeople, every role must be aligned, trained and committed, every day to achieve the desired outcome.  This is not done without a commitment to ongoing career development in learning market-relevant techniques, overcoming conceptual barriers, applying proactive and productive behaviors and projecting a positive attitude.

We’ve all experienced the hiring process—whether as the candidate or the future supervisor. It’s a pivotal time when every piece of information and observation can significantly shape both parties’ futures. Today, we’re diving into one of the most crucial elements of building a successful sales team: hiring the right salesperson.

For business owners, sales managers, and recruiters alike, finding the perfect fit can mean the difference between growth, stagnation, or even misery. So, let’s explore a step-by-step hiring process designed to set everyone up for success as Bill and I discuss The Hiring Process and other baffling beliefs on episode 650 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.

Golden Nuggets:

Hire for Attitude, Train for Skills”  Herb Kelleher, co-founder of Southwest Airlines

Your Hosts:

Bill Hellkamp See my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: http://www.reachdev.com/

Scott “Professor Plum” PlumSee my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: https://www.mnsales.com


– NEXT BOOK – The ONE Thing – Gary Keller
– 10 Questions – https://mnsales.com/podcast-616/
– Anthony Iannarino – The Sales Blog – www.thesalesblog.com
– Attend a Professional Sales Association (PSA) meeting.  Go to www.psamn.org 
– Bill – Jumpstart Sales Coaching – Introductory Program – (1) 60 min. initial and (5) 30 min ongoing sessions – $495. – Contact me here.
– Bill – Seven Deadly Sins of Selling presentation for the next 2 companies to contact me. 45 min. Live in Minneapolis area – Webcast further away.
– Scott offer’s the DiSC Sales Assessments for $139.00 per person.  See a Sample.

Whether you are defending first place in the market or dedicated to fighting for first place, each episode will deliver proven advice you can apply that day to improve your sales results.

Join us every week.  Email us your comments, feedback, real-life challenges in the marketplace and desired topics for us to cover and we will deliver sound advice you can use. ALL comments are welcome.

Feel free to reach out to us via the form below. You can reach either of us by calling 612-789-5700.

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Winning at Selling Podcast : Episode #649


Thank you for listening to the episode. Your commitment to developing your selling skills, mindset and techniques is our motivation.

This podcast is dedicated to the overall success in the sales channel.  From the CEO to the front line salespeople, every role must be aligned, trained and committed, every day to achieve the desired outcome.  This is not done without a commitment to ongoing career development in learning market-relevant techniques, overcoming conceptual barriers, applying proactive and productive behaviors and projecting a positive attitude.

So here we are again – a NEW YEAR. And that gives us a feeling of a new start. Perhaps you already joined a gym or set a goal to lose a few pounds. Although the January 1st date is an artificial opportunity, there’s nothing wrong with using it as a time to renew ourselves. As a sales professional there are plenty of good habits that you need to be successful – are you ready to get going?

So HAPPY NEW YEAR – now get to work as Scott and I discuss, 5 Ways to Jump Start the New Year and other incredible items on Episode 649 of the Winning at Selling podcast.

Golden Nuggets:

“Be like a postage stamp – Stick to one thing until you get there.” -Josh Billings

Your Hosts:

Bill Hellkamp See my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: http://www.reachdev.com/

Scott “Professor Plum” PlumSee my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: https://www.mnsales.com


– NEXT BOOK – The ONE Thing – Gary Keller
– 10 Questions – https://mnsales.com/podcast-616/
– Anthony Iannarino – The Sales Blog – www.thesalesblog.com
– Attend a Professional Sales Association (PSA) meeting.  Go to www.psamn.org 
– Bill – Jumpstart Sales Coaching – Introductory Program – (1) 60 min. initial and (5) 30 min ongoing sessions – $495. – Contact me here.
– Bill – Seven Deadly Sins of Selling presentation for the next 2 companies to contact me. 45 min. Live in Minneapolis area – Webcast further away.
– Scott offer’s the DiSC Sales Assessments for $139.00 per person.  See a Sample.

Whether you are defending first place in the market or dedicated to fighting for first place, each episode will deliver proven advice you can apply that day to improve your sales results.

Join us every week.  Email us your comments, feedback, real-life challenges in the marketplace and desired topics for us to cover and we will deliver sound advice you can use. ALL comments are welcome.

Feel free to reach out to us via the form below. You can reach either of us by calling 612-789-5700.

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What Matters Most: Choosing People Over Achievements

In the movie With Honors, Monty Kessler is a Harvard student working tirelessly to graduate with honors. His entire focus is on completing his senior thesis, a paper he believes will prove his intelligence and set him up for future distinctions and career success. However, when Monty meets Simon Wilder, a homeless man who challenges his worldview, he begins to understand that life’s true value lies in people and relationships, not in grades or titles.

At the heart of the story is Monty’s life-changing decision to spend time with Simon on the day he dies, even though it means missing the deadline for his thesis and forfeiting the chance to graduate “With Honors.” While this choice comes with consequences, it also reflects Monty’s growth and his newfound understanding of compassion, regret, and the importance of human connection. Simon’s life, filled with mistakes and lessons, becomes a mirror for Monty to evaluate his own priorities.

At the start of the film, Monty is consumed by academic success and societal expectations. Like many students, he measures his worth by grades and accomplishments, influenced by a system that prioritizes rigid standards and outdated practices over individual growth and compassion. This environment often reflects the self-serving interests of those who uphold it—educators more focused on validating their own status than fostering true empathy and understanding. However, as Monty builds a friendship with Simon, his narrow view of success begins to change.

Simon, though homeless and terminally ill, is rich in wisdom and honesty. His life is marked by mistakes and regrets—his son has rejected him, cutting Simon off from his family. Yet, Simon has gained valuable insights through his struggles. Despite being estranged from his son, Simon learns he has a granddaughter, a connection to the family he lost. This revelation adds a layer of both tragedy and hope to Simon’s character, showing the pain of his past and the enduring legacy of his existence.

Simon’s story teaches Monty that life isn’t about perfection or external judgment—it’s about kindness, acceptance, forgiveness, and making the most of the time we have on earth. Simon’s mistakes and resilience serve as lessons for Monty, helping him realize that success isn’t about achieving high grades and degrees, but about being a good person and valuing the people around him.

When Simon is on his deathbed, Monty chooses to stay with him instead of rushing to submit his thesis. This act of compassion marks Monty’s transformation. By prioritizing Simon’s needs over his own ambitions, Monty demonstrates that he has grown beyond the narrow, achievement-focused mindset he began with. Though he loses the chance to graduate with honors, he gains something far more meaningful: the understanding that life is about connection and humanity, not titles, degrees and accolades.

The film also critiques a society that often prioritizes policies and rules over compassion and relationships. Harvard’s decision to deny Monty his honors degree because of a missed deadline reflects a rigid system that values bureaucracy over discernment, good judgement and understanding. This moment highlights a broader issue: how often we let rules and achievements overshadow the deeper, more important aspects of life.

In the end, Monty doesn’t graduate with honors, but he walks away with a much greater sense of purpose. His past friendship with Simon helps him realize that true success lies in how we treat others and what we learn from the relationships we build. With Honors reminds us that life’s greatest achievements are not found on paper but in the connections we make and the compassion we show to others.

Thought-Provoking Questions Inspired by With Honors

  1. What defines success for me—external achievements like awards and titles, or the quality of my relationships with the people who matter most?
    Reflect on how much weight you place on societal measures of success compared to the value of meaningful connections in your life.
  2. Am I prioritizing what truly matters, or am I letting deadlines and expectations overshadow the people and moments that bring me joy?
    Consider whether your current focus aligns with what you believe is most important in life.
  3. How do I handle mistakes or regrets in my life? Do I let them define me, or do I use them to expand my connection with others?
    Evaluate your relationship with your past mistakes and whether you see them as opportunities for growth.
  4. What legacy do I want to leave behind: a list of accomplishments or the impact I’ve had on the lives of others?
    Imagine how you want to be remembered and whether your current actions reflect that vision.

Winning at Selling Podcast : Episode #648


Thank you for listening to the episode. Your commitment to developing your selling skills, mindset and techniques is our motivation.

This podcast is dedicated to the overall success in the sales channel.  From the CEO to the front line salespeople, every role must be aligned, trained and committed, every day to achieve the desired outcome.  This is not done without a commitment to ongoing career development in learning market-relevant techniques, overcoming conceptual barriers, applying proactive and productive behaviors and projecting a positive attitude.

We create fresh starts at different times of the year.  For some, it’s January 1st, for others it may be the day after Labor Day.  Regardless of when, a plan and process with passion are all necessary.

Whether you’re mapping out your career goals, focusing on personal growth, or chasing that fitness milestone, stay tuned as we explore common setbacks, the power of accountability, and how to stay motivated and resilient when challenged.

Get ready to take your goal-setting game to the next level as Bill and I welcome sales expert Frank Gustafson to prepare for the new year by discussing, Goal Setting – and other venerable valuables on episode 648 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.

Golden Nuggets:

“Without PASSION you don’t have ENERGY. Without ENERGY, you have NOTHING.”
Warren Buffet

Your Hosts:

Bill Hellkamp See my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: http://www.reachdev.com/

Scott “Professor Plum” PlumSee my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website: https://www.mnsales.com


– Frank Gustafson – https://go.sandler.com/stp/ 
– NEXT BOOK – The ONE Thing – Gary Keller
– Anthony Iannarino – The Sales Blog – www.thesalesblog.com
– Attend a Professional Sales Association (PSA) meeting.  Go to www.psamn.org 
– Bill – Jumpstart Sales Coaching – Introductory Program – (1) 60 min. initial and (5) 30 min ongoing sessions – $495. – Contact me here.
– Bill – Seven Deadly Sins of Selling presentation for the next 2 companies to contact me. 45 min. Live in Minneapolis area – Webcast further away.
– Scott offer’s the DiSC Sales Assessments for $139.00 per person.  See a Sample.

Whether you are defending first place in the market or dedicated to fighting for first place, each episode will deliver proven advice you can apply that day to improve your sales results.

Join us every week.  Email us your comments, feedback, real-life challenges in the marketplace and desired topics for us to cover and we will deliver sound advice you can use. ALL comments are welcome.

Feel free to reach out to us via the form below. You can reach either of us by calling 612-789-5700.

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