Get in The Door Podcast: Episode #439


Thank you for listening to the episode. Your commitment to developing your selling skills, mindset and techniques is our motivation.

AND WE’RE BACK! – Scott “Professor Plum” Plum of the Minnesota Sales Institute & Bill Hellkamp of REACH Development Systems

Ever scratch your head and ask yourself, why did I do that OR what was I thinking?

Well, it’s quite possible, you were not thinking, rather acting out of existence and the subconscious.  These are legit reasons; however, they may not hold up in court or in a conversation with your sales manager.

We are so lucky to have a neuroscientist with us today to discuss the brain, why it follows and how you can make it work for you.  So put your phone on silent, grab a notebook and pen and take notes as Bill and I discuss Why the Brain Buys with Dr. Terry Wu and much more on episode 439 of the Get in the Door Podcast.

Golden Nugget:

“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.”Plato

Your Hosts:

Bill Hellkamp See my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website:

Scott “Professor Plum” PlumSee my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website:


-Book study: Beyond Selling Value.  Amazon – CLICK HERE
-Next Book: Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz
– Dr. Terry Wu – Speaking on the neuroscience of sales and marketing:
Consulting Service:
17-minute TED Talk:

-Complete the form below to enter the FREE Book Drawing.  Thank you!
-Buying Steve Kloyda’s book – The Art of Prospecting – CLICK HERE

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