Commitment: Business Cards

Your business card communicates a commitment.  When you give someone your business card, you are telling them something about you and your business.  Within a split second the receiver makes an impression.  That impression either adds confidence or doubt in their perception.

No matter what is asked or shared, your sales conversation may be quickly forgotten, but the business card continues to communicate in your absence.  Does that message communicate commitment?

When your business cards are printed on an inkjet printer and have perforated edges or ordered free online, what kind of commitment are you communicating to your prospect?  They may be asking themselves, “How can I hire them to commit to me when they cannot make a financial commitment to their own business?”

Prospects want to believe in you, but they are still cautious. Sometimes salespeople create doubt when a prospects need is discovered but credibility is weakened by a perceived lack of commitment.

Communicate a permanent commitment in your personal reputation and professional brand with your business card. Don’t let your next potential client think you have a temporary commitment with do-it-yourself business cards.  Do you want them to hire you or do-it-themselves?  Communicate Commitment!

Need help finding a company to print you business cards.  Click on the ‘resources’ tab at