Thank you for listening to the episode. Your commitment to developing your selling skills, mindset and techniques is our motivation.
AND WE’RE BACK! – Scott “Professor Plum” Plum of the Minnesota Sales Institute & Bill Hellkamp of REACH Development Systems
It has been said; the riches are in the niches. How would you describe your niche? List three attributes of your perfect fit prospect. Each salesperson runs their own company and everyone sells against time. How can you run efficiently and effectively, to close the most amount of business, at the highest commission possible, with the least amount of time invested?
Open up your genealogy journal as Bill and I discuss, What is a Perfect Fit? and much more on episode 452 of the Get in the Door Podcast.
Golden Nugget:
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” -Henry Ford
Your Hosts:
Bill Hellkamp – See my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website:
Scott “Professor Plum” Plum – See my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website:
-Book: Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz
-Scott: Dead Sea or Sea of Galilee (blog)
-Buying Steve Kloyda’s book – The Art of Prospecting – CLICK HERE
Feel free to reach out to us via the form below. You can reach either of us by calling 612-789-5700.