Thank you for listening to the episode. Your commitment to developing your selling skills, mindset and techniques is our motivation.
AND WE’RE BACK! – Scott “Professor Plum” Plum of the Minnesota Sales Institute & Bill Hellkamp of REACH Development Systems
Who are you and what do you stand for? What is the exceptional and important value that you bring to the marketplace? The sales model is changing, and customers are looking for more from their relationships with a company and its representatives. More depth and more trust. Can you give that to them?
So, put on your marketing caps as Scott and I discuss Personal Branding and much more on episode 442 of the Get in the Door Podcast.
Golden Nugget:
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go out and do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” –Howard Thurman
Your Hosts:
Bill Hellkamp – See my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website:
Scott “Professor Plum” Plum – See my LinkedIn profile and send me an invite
Visit my website:
-Next Book: Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz
-Bill Article: The Power of the Personal Note
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-Buying Steve Kloyda’s book – The Art of Prospecting – CLICK HERE
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