Are you a Decision-Maker?

When you think about the attributes of a decision-maker (DM), would you consider yourself one?  When you consider yourself a decision-maker, you understand your expectations and obligations and you see the same in others – namely your prospects.  Let’s take a look at what makes up a decision-maker. [Read more…]

5 Outcomes of a Sales Call or Appointment

Every sales call or appointment ends with one, sometimes more, of these outcomes.  Knowing this will help guide your call and make yours and your prospects invested time more effective.

1)      YES – The best outcome!  You got the sale, closed the deal and the prospect signed the agreement.  Just don’t spend the commission until their check clears.  Now go make another 10 calls with this renewed enthusiasm.  Call on the ‘bigger’ prospects that you have been postponing until the timing is just right.  Now is the time.  Don’t take a break to celebrate when there is still time in the day to sell.  If you keep a journal, which I highly recommend, write this in it and refer back to it when you receive the 20 no’s in a row in the future. [Read more…]

Be Hamlet

Every year the students in the drama class at Lincoln High School perform a one-act play for the student body. Students have their choice on what play and scene they want to act in. Johnny, a senior this year, wanted to do a scene from Hamlet. He was shy by nature, but one of the better actors in class, with aspirations for the theater after graduation. Johnny studied his part and knew his lines. After weeks of preparation, it was time for the practice run in front of the drama class before performing in front of friends, family and the entire student body. [Read more…]