Commitment: Are you Living up to your True Potential?

Do you believe that others see you differentially than you see yourself?  I’ll share my struggles with you, and you can determine if you have the same challenges. [Read more…]

Commitment: Professional Email Address

Nothing says commitment like  Of course, I’m being sarcastic.  When you use as your professional, business email address you are telling your prospects, clients and customers you have not purchased a domain name and prefer to use a free service instead.  Is this how you want your prospects to interpret your commitment?   [Read more…]

Commitment: Professional Sales Development

The knowledgebase doubles every five years.  The marketplace is constantly evolving.  Prospects continuously change their buying process.  As a salesperson we also need to make that commitment of continuously growing, learning and improving our sales skills to stay in the game.

Are you learning something new every day to improve your knowledge and skills?  [Read more…]

Commitment: Business Cards

Your business card communicates a commitment.  When you give someone your business card, you are telling them something about you and your business.  Within a split second the receiver makes an impression.  That impression either adds confidence or doubt in their perception.

No matter what is asked or shared, your sales conversation may be quickly forgotten, but the business card continues to communicate in your absence.  Does that message communicate commitment? [Read more…]

Commitment: Introduction

If there was one word that comprehensively describes the bridge from idea to accomplishment it is “commitment.”  Temptation and distraction lie ahead on your journey.  What will you focus on to attain the goal and reach the destination?  For some the journey is the destination because the journey has no end.  Your visual and verbal affirmations, mantras and supportive beliefs will be your weapons against failure.

Do the choices you make tip the scale of balance in your favor of growing, building, and strengthening your personal reputation and professional brand? [Read more…]